Get Ahead of the Curve: Our Early Summer Lawn Care Tips

As summer approaches, many homeowners look forward to lush, green lawns that serve as the perfect backdrop for barbecues, garden parties, and lazy afternoons lounging in the sun. However, maintaining a healthy summer lawn requires more than occasional watering and mowing. Here are our summer lawn care tips to keep your lawn robust and vibrant throughout the hot season.

Summer Lawn Care Tips

1. Water Wisely

Proper watering is crucial to maintaining a healthy summer lawn. The general rule of thumb is to water deeply and less frequently, encouraging deep root growth. Aim for about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, either from rainfall or irrigation. It’s best to water early in the morning to minimize evaporation and reduce the risk of fungal diseases. If you’re unsure whether your lawn needs watering, check the soil: if the top 2-3 inches are dry, it’s time to water.

2. Mow with Care

Mowing is not just about keeping your lawn at an aesthetically pleasing height; it also helps strengthen your grass. That’s why it all comes down to how you mow. Keep your mower blades sharp. Blunt blades tear the grass, ripping it out of the ground and causing damage that may lead to potential disease entry points. Adjust the mowing height according to the season; for summer, raise the blades to allow grass to grow taller. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing moisture loss and keeping root temperatures cooler. Aim to cut no more than one-third of the grass blade in a single mow.

3. Fertilize Appropriately

Fertilizing provides essential nutrients directly to your plants. It helps your lawn grow thick and lush. However, both fertilizer timing and fertilizer type are critical factors in the summer. Use a slow-release, nitrogen-rich fertilizer (if you have the means) early in the season to avoid burning the grass. Avoid over-fertilizing; it can lead to excessive growth, making the lawn susceptible to pests and disease.

summer lawn care tips

4. Control Those Weeds

Weeds are the *root* of most lawn care issues. They compete with grass for nutrients, water, and sunlight. To manage them effectively, maintain a healthy lawn through proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing, which altogether can naturally suppress weed growth. For existing weed problems, consider spot treatment with a selective herbicide, ideally applied in the early growth stages of the weed. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid harming your grass and other plants.

5. Aerating and Dethatching

Aerating your lawn involves removing small soil cores to improve air, water, and nutrient penetration. Summer is not typically the best time to aerate because your lawn is under stress from high heat, but if your soil is very compacted, early summer can be an opportune time. Dethatching is another way you can combat dense lawns. It removes the layer of dead turfgrass tissue known as thatch. If your thatch layer is more than half an inch thick, dethatching can help improve soil conditions and grass health.

6. Pest and Disease Management

Summer can be a breeding ground for many things. Stay on your guard for pests and lawn diseases, especially in the humid summer months. Brown patches, wilting grass, and visible insect activity can all be signs of problems. Identify the specific issue early to apply the correct treatment, whether that means adjusting your lawn care practices or using fungicides or pesticides. Again, follow all safety guidelines and consider consulting with a lawn care professional like Mansell Landscape if you’re unsure.

7. Adjust to High Heat

If you live in an area prone to drought or hot, dry summers, consider drought-resistant grass varieties such as Buffalo Grass or Bermuda Grass. During dry and drought conditions, prioritize watering young grass and areas that receive full sun. Constant care will be the only thing preventing your plants from wilting away. Unfortunately, during periods of dry heat, you may need to accept a browner lawn; luckily, most grass types will recover when the conditions improve.

summer lawn care tips

8. Provide Shade and Air Circulation

During the hottest parts of Summer, too much sun can be more harmful than helpful. Think about how you can provide ample shade for plants that need a little less sun to survive. You can do this by planting trees or adding landscaping features, like tresses, to provide natural shade and protect your lawn. If practical, use shade cloths. Good air circulation also helps to prevent fungal diseases, so consider thinning out trees that overly shade or stifle your lawn.

9. Choose the Right Grass

It might sound funny, but most homeowners decide what type of grass they want to grow in. their lawn. This gives your lawn a cohesive look and make it easier to care for. Choosing the right type of grass for your climate and soil can significantly reduce maintenance needs. Cool-season grasses (like Kentucky bluegrass and fescues) thrive in northern climates, while warm-season grasses (like St. Augustine and Zoysia) are better for southern regions. For Georgia, the best grass seeds are Bermuda, Fescue, Centipede, Zoysia, and St. Augustine, which are great choices. If you’re unsure, feel free to reach out to us!

10. Keep an Eye Out

Regular monitoring is the key to maintaining a healthy lawn. Walk your lawn frequently to check for signs of stress or disease and adjust your care regimen accordingly. If you’re really trying to track your progress, keep a lawn diary! It can help you track what works and what doesn’t and also help you measure the growth speed of your own lawn. This is invaluable for developing a tailored lawn care strategy.

springtime landscaping ideas

Need Summer Lawn Care? Choose Mansell Landscape Management.

Summer is just around the corner! So, let’s get ready for it by prioritizing and implementing these tips. With a steady care plan, you can maintain a lush, healthy lawn that enhances the beauty of your home and provides a cool, soft place to enjoy the summer. Remember, each lawn is unique, so it might take some time to figure out exactly what works best for your specific conditions. Stay patient and consistent with your care; you can be sure your lawn will reward you all season long!

At Mansell Landscape Management, we know landscape from the inside out. Our formal background is in landscape architecture and horticulture, so we understand the landscape from a multi-dimensional perspective. Our background gives us the leverage and uniqueness to create guaranteed custom solutions for lawn and landscape care.

Call us at (770) 517-0555 and transform your yard today!

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